

Best for travel insurance and fact about travel insurance what travel insurance covers

Luxury Liner

Travel Insurance is protection against adverse events such as cancellation and interruption and also reimburses medical expenses, the loss or damage of property and costs of transit delays.

To make the most of this insurance and get accurate reimbursement, learn what is included.

The main categories are:

Health and Medical:

Emergency evacuation either to a local hospital or a hospital near the traveler’s home town. Family members can be covered on the same policy.

Medical cover for reimbursement of emergency medical and dental costs.

Bon Apetit!

Delays, cancellation or interruption:

Cancellation: Re-imbursement for a trip that can’t continue because of personal illness or injury, death, adverse weather conditions, strikes, terrorism, bankruptcy, sudden unemployment, sustaining serious damage to the home causing it to be uninhabitable due to fire or flooding.

Delay: Reimbursement for hotel, food or clothing expenses as result of flight delay.

Interruption: Reimbursement for a curtailed trip due to events outside the control of the traveler.

Death: Accidental death – Covers death or dismemberment during a trip or during an air flight.

Common carrier – Covers death or dismemberment while travelling on public transport.

Loss or damage of property: Baggage loss – reimbursement for lost, stolen or damaged personal items.

Hire Car damage – Reimbursement for damage to or loss of a rental vehicle.

Assistance services – guarantees telephone advice and assistance service as needed.
Why Women Drivers pay Lower Car Insurance Premiums

Category: Car Insurance, Insurance

Lady Driver … driving like a lady …

Lady drivers are considered to pose lower driving risks than men. Here are the reasons why women pay 30% less than men for their car insurance:


Less risky drivers
Less accident damage
Lower claims after an accident
Drive at lower speeds than men
Accidents caused by women not as serious as those caused by men

Higher Risk Drivers
Causes more damage than their female counterparts
Due to more damage, their claims are higher
Are more likely to speed than females
More likely to drink and drive
More likely to exhibit Road Rage
Most serious accidents ae caused by men
So ladies, you may not necessarily be better drivers than men, but you are lower risk drivers.

Drive safely!

High-Risk Drivers and Car Insurance

Category: Car Insurance, Insurance

High-Risk Driver in Action

Are YOU a High-Risk Driver?

If you are classified as a High-Risk Driver, finding affordable car insurance may prove to be quite a mission. Some insurance companies may decline your insurance application and those willing to insure you, will most likely charge very high premiums.

How are High-Risk Drivers classified?

Insurance Companies take a variety of factors into consideration, but the most common factors are driving habits, personal factors and even your credit history.

Driving Habits and H-RD Classification

Your driving record may be the single most important factor regarding hish-risk driver classification. This includes accidents, DUI and speeding tickets.

Auto Accidents: If you were involved in several car accidents during the last three to five years, it may reflect negatively on your driving record, regardless whether you were the guilty party or not. The fact that you were involved in these accidents, deems you a reckless driver with a probable predilection for more accidents.

Speeding Tickets: Having multiple speeding tickets, increases the possibility of being classified as a high-risk driver. This also increases the possibility of you either causing or being involved in auto accidents.

DUI: Drunken Driving undeniably contributes to classification as a high-risk driver.

 Do Personal Factors influence H-RD Classification? 

What are the personal factors that can contribute to classification as a high-risk driver?

Men are regarded as a higher risk than women
Living in a city is considered a higher risk than living in the country
Newer model cars are also considered a higher risk than older cars with a lower value
Although these factors may not be under your control, they also count certain points towards classification as being a high-risk.

Credit History and High-Risk Driver Classification

Strangely, your credit rating also affects classification as a high-risk driver. People with lower credit ratings are charged higher premiums and vice versa.

Erasing the High-Risk Driver Label

Even if you are classified as a high-risk driver at the moment, the label can eventually be erased.

The average period and industry standard for reassessing a driver is three years. A clean record for that period will go a long way toward being declared a safe driver and paying lower premiums

Drive carefully, never drink & drive, avoid busy areas and do not speed!

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